Thumbnails on Reddit are small images on the left side of titles. Typically they contain featured image, first image located on page or are blank, displaying Reddit mascot Snoo or chain icon. Thumbnails are improving visibility and can improve click-trough rate by more than 50%. So have you posted something on Reddit, but your thumbnail isn’t showing? Read this guide on how to configure website, so that it would properly shows thumbnails in your posts.
I am not owner of the site, what do I do?
You need to configure the website, so you can’t do anything to force it to show the thumbnails. If you are posting some news or article from website that you are not affiliated with, let them know or maybe point them to this article so they could configure it properly.
I own my blog, portal or website and want to show Reddit thumnbails what do I do?
Since most of the websites, blogs and portals run nowadays on WordPress, I will show you how to configure it, by using All in One SEO pack to set up Open Graph protocol thumbnails on your WordPress website. Open Graph (abbreviated OG) among many other uses, points external websites to display proper thumbnails when linking to your site. Also Twitter and Facebook uses this protocol, so setting it up is beneficial for your website. Here’s how you should do it.
- Download All in One SEO pack. It’s essential and popular plugin for WordPress, which enables you to set up and tweak various SEO features of your website. Go to Plugins -> Add New and search for it. Install it and enable in your WordPress.
- After installation, choose “All in One SEO” in left sidebar and click Feature Manager.
- You should see several tools, out of which activate one called “Social Meta“
- Configure it to display chosen thumbnails on Reddit by choosing “First Image” or preferably “Featured Image”.
- And that’s it. Through additional line of code your website will be pointing now Reddit, Thumbnail, Twitter and more similar social media sites to display thumbnail of your choice, everytime you are posting something there. Once image is retrieved by Reddit it will stay and won’t be “unfetched” and your posts will be displayed with thumbnails.